Monday, October 04, 2010

The highs and lows...

Another wild weekend in the world of unspecified stomach diseases. One of the most frustating parts of being sick in this way is that every day is a total surprise as to how you may really feel. Friday was great. Kara sprung me from the downtown perch I'm currently roosting in and per the orders of the doctor himself, I liberated my diet and enjoyed chicken and waffles at 900 Grayson. After months of eating food that was devoid of most reasons why people even eat food, it was fucking amazing. Even then I knew I would most likely end up paying for it later, I didn't care. I just wanted to enjoy myself. (Dear Grandma and cousin Lori, it's not that I don't love the soup you make for me, it's just that chicken and waffles from 900 Grayson are next level shit. It's apples and oranges).

After eating, We headed over to "where everybody knows your naaaaaaaaaame...dun dun dun", Eli's. Melissa and Sunshine showed up, Bryan and Topher were already there hard at work on a pitcher. A couple of hours of bad sex jokes and a libation or two, I got dropped back at home and promptly spent some quality time with my old friend, the toilet.

The sickness that night wasn't that bad as far as some of my worst, but it was still there. Even on what was one of the best days I have had in recent memory, I had to take a time out from the day so I could go home and be sick. Sure, bathrooms are private in just about any public place, but sometimes these attacks are so violent and harsh that for the sake of the senses of everyone around me, I go home to deal with it. If it were something as mild as an asthma attack, and manageable with something akin to an inhaler, it would make my life infinitely easier. However, when I get sick, even on an easy day, it's beyond the capability of being dealt with discreetly in public and while I don't take too much pride in myself, and I'd lost most of my dignity long before the age of 30, the few scraps of each that I have, I am trying to keep by having my symptoms at home.

Anyone see Lucero or Holly Golightly at Hardly Strictly this weekend? I'll bet it was awesome. I would have love to have gone, but portapottis seem like they would be my absolute worst nightmare. That's the sort of shit that really gets me. My ability to adapt is shot.

Sunday finally seemed like Fall had arrived, and I felt like I got to spend it in the most ideal way you can spend a fall day. Yeah, that memory is for me. I may tell you all about how I shit day-glo or that I throw up nine times a day, but you don't get everything. Good or bad.

Just got word from endoscopy can't be scheduled until November 15th, and I hear about when my other tests go down tomorrow. November fucking 15th. And you all wonder why it's hard for me to care about these appointments and take these doctors seriously. Oh well, the overall good of the weekend outweighed the bad, and I can't let things out of my hands ruin the good things I know I can make change.

And I leave with this:

"my ribs have parted ways, said we're not going to protect this heart you have..."


Unknown said...

A friend of mine is a resident in the GI department at UCSF and I just emailed her to see if there's anything she can do to get you in ASAP for any tests that you need. November 15 is a joke for your endoscopy. Nobody should have to wait that long for such an awesomely fun procedure.

The Swizard said...

hey ian, they moved me up til nov 1st. if that had anything to do with you or your pal, i owe you a beer or 8.

Unknown said...

No worries brother, I just want you to get well. I posted a comment back yesterday but I think the big G deleted it for profanity. Anyway, they made your appointment more urgent (not that it wasn't before, but you know how shit goes). Anyway, keep strong, stay heavy, and know that your support net is bigger than you could imagine. //iw

Unknown said...
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