Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Reality of My Surroundings

To be totally honest, the title of this entry is really only influenced by the incredibly awesome documentary on Fishbone I just watched called "Everyday Sunshine" (yeah, I know that should be italicized, but for whatever reason updating my blog via my iPad doesn't allow me to do that easily, and getting to the Apple store for an iPad lesson hasn't really been high on my list of shit to do lately). If you are a fan of any style of music, by all means, go see this movie. It is one of the realist portrayals of being in a band I have ever seen, and has gotten me excited about my expected return to playing in the near future.

Other than that, not a whole lot to report upon in the world of vomit and poo lately. I have been stricken with ridiculous insomnia lately, and have been trying to break the cycle of falling asleep at sunrise and waking up at 4 in the afternoon. I was actually home last night at what i thought was a reasonable hour and asleep by the time i was usually getting home, so i see that as a positive step in the right direction. Apparently my anti-depressant, Lexapro, can wreak havoc on sleep, so I'm trying to weigh out how I should cope with this going forward. Do I want to load myself up with Ambien or Unisom or something just to regulate another pill? Do I switch anti-depressants? These seem like such stupid problems to have. Problems I never wanted and problems I still don't believe i have to put up with. Such is life, they say.

Tomorrow I doing eight hours of DJing at Eli's for a bbq, Monday and Tuesday I am making some money helping my friend Jon with some stuff around his house, and Tuesday and Wednesday I have my usual DJ gigs. What does that mean? I won't be flat fucking broke for days at a time. The disability system in the state is ridiculous. If I didn't have an amazing family who has stepped up and helped me in this incredibly trying time, I have no idea what I would be doing right now.

I was supposed to be at a wedding today. I'm obviously not at said wedding. I guess that's how it goes when you're striving towards the greater good in your life. Sometimes you have to throw yourself in front of the bullet in order to not get hit by a bus. Maybe that's a stupid analogy. Oh well, they can't all be zingers, right?

Six more days until I head back up the hill to UCSF. I feel like I'm in the boring part of a movie. I just have to sit here and hold on some more before I get to find anything out about feeling better or having anything to tell anyone else about how I feel. This makes for writing about things other than the ups and downs of uncontrolable excrement a bit more challenging. I suppose that if I ever want to do anything with this half-assed pipe dream of being some sort of person paid for his ability to dribble words onto a computer screen, my game needs to be as sharp during the doldrums of life as they are when Hurricane Fucking Katrina crashes on shore.

If you live in San Francisco, go see Everyday Sunshine. It's part of SF Indie Fest this week. I will have a glowing review available to read on the by Tuesday, and all of the pertinent info will be there for you to read. I guess its time to go make something about of my Saturday night.

Saturday night...ooooooohhhhh Saturday night. Sorry, I just felt obligated to do that.

Adios. Come hang out with me at Eli's tomorrow. I'll play whatever you like.


Unknown said...

you already know this, but you are an incredibly talented writer. and i love you.

The Swizard said...

which hillary is this????