I have a bunch of other writing to get done today, so I don't have time to get all "boo fucking hoo my life sucks" on you today. Here's a list of awesome shit I want to do in OC.
Places I want to eat at, no matter how sick it'll make me:
Taco Loco
Super Pollo (that by far is going to be the most taxing, but its been years)
Two Brothers
Wheel of Life (maybe? Adrian...is the shit still even good?)
Places I want to drink beers at:
The Little Knight
The Huddle
The Almight Commissary Lounge
That weird mexican restaurant I met Collin at with Sunshine (Collin...help a dude out with that)
Fill in the blanks. It's drinking beers.
Things I want/need to do to my body:
Touch up the fade
Marr and Marr
Fight to Lose on the throat
Another nose ring (Adrian...whats the overhead on that?)
Other bonuses:
Play bass for The Mistake (the less musical responsibility the better)
Mosh for Children of God and The Love Below
Hang out with Devon
Baby Shower
Neil Alan Wright
Matt Horwitz
Ok...I have to write this bio on my brother and his lady before they summon the gods of folk rock and send weird 50 year old lesbian van drivers with attitudes after me.
Have you ever been to Hole Mole in Long Beach? You MUST get some 49 cent potato tacos from Hole Mole, or else your life is incomplete.
i love hole mole. shit is unreal.
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