Monday, February 28, 2011

Eventually the White Whale resurface

I've been away from here for a few weeks. The good news is that my guts seem to be behaving much better than the ace over the last few months, but no step forward comes without another life crippling health pitfall. The main reason I have left this blog sit for a minute is because I have coping with intense expression and a shortage of energy in general. Not only did I feel like I had nothing of interest to share with you, I barely have much to tell you that wouldn't just be an onslaught of pathetic complaints. However, I feel like breaking my silence.

Upcoming medical events,: a 4 hour MRI on March 5h, which is also my 31st birthday. I am starting to make lemonade out of the lemons, but it was a bit of a harsh blow when I first got the news. On the 8th, I go back to the endocrinologist and will get the final date for popping this bitch out of my nose. The down time between now and then is difficult and through it all, I have really exuded unfamiliar yet severe
symptoms that have really made my life incredible difficult.

My sleep schedule is a mystery. I seem to always get close to eight hours, but they are in odd intervals and at different times. Dealing with people is incredible challenging. I feel constantly paranoid and I have little to no threshold to hammering out I difficult conversations, which leads to lashing out or withdrawing from people who are doing their best to be there for me and offer support. While forever thank any and everyone who handed out a hand for me. If I had any sort of negative interaction with you over the last couple of weeks or monthes, please accept my deepest apologies. I am not the dude I used to be. I am hoping to return to the life I lived back in June.

I had a great weekend and I plan on sharing it with you later today because the Xanax is really starting to step up it's game. I'd like to thank Chloe and Daniel, Zola and Jeremy, Kiki, Dustin, Chris Gross, Sonya, Jackie, Cassie, Jimmy Jazz, Wino and Becky, Mom, and last but not definitely least, my roommate family Sunshine, Greg, and Nina. You have all helped my morale get out of the toilet.

To be continued.......

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