Thursday, April 14, 2011


im going to just come out and say that last weekend fucking sucked. im not going to get into why it sucked, or that it was everyone else's fault, and that i didn't play into it, but it just sucked. it was the sort of weekend that leads someone to making the ultimate poor decision. i rode it out without doing anything too stupid (other than missing some sweet shows i had ins to).

however, today was the sort of day that restores your faith in life. since starting hormone replacement therapy, ive generally started to feel better, physically and mentally. in addition to that, ive made appointments with a psychiatrist to start really figure out what the fuck is up with my head, and how much i may have messed myself up over the years. so on top of that, i had day that involved good people, good music, good drinks, good food, good opportunities, meeting new people, and reconnecting with old people that you connect with in unusual ways.

yeah, youre annoyed that this is vague, and to be honest, a lot of this shit isnt your business...yet. but i just wanted to vaguely gloat that in the face of hostility, i rode it out and was rewarded.

felt fucking good.

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