Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life Moves Fast...

Here's an insider tip about me: if I don't put stuff in here, it's because I've been busy, and usually busy means good. In this case, Greg, Sunny, and I have been hard at work getting our house together, and I have been getting used to a couple of new DJ gigs I got, and I keep getting newer ones. Go fucking me, right? So far, those things have been going great. We have a few more things to set up around the new house, and the CASA DE AWESOME will be in perfect form.

I had an irritating lapse in health insurance, which I have since rectified, so I sort of have to start the pituitary tumor removal process. Currently waiting on new info to give to old doctors so we can bing, bang, boom that bitch right on out and life can resume. I often wonder what this blog is going to be like without bad health. Am I going to write about random West Oakland shit I see all day? A funny thing happened while DJing at Godspeed? Was my life that interesting before I got sick? I guess we'll find out together.

So I should have all the major dates of the procedures this week, and hopefully some info on just what this is going to take to end and how long until I get to just be the me you all know and love. I am making plans for the future. They seem fun.

Tomorrow I am buying myself a new amp, and I am getting my music game back up and rolling. Sunshine and I collaborating, as well as some new friends who are doing things that aren't noisy, loud, screaming, etc. I am also trying to get some guitar stuff from a musical idol, but that's under wraps until that's reality.

Do any of you readers have any leads on how you getting paid for running ads on a blog works? Any help would be appreciated. Now to get some music writing done.

"Beware, I bare more grudges...than lonely high court judges...."

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