Wednesday, June 01, 2011


aside from the occasional set of dj set lists posts, i haven't had much to say. i try to keep this thing from being a bunch of boo-hoo, woe is me bullshit, and while this may surprise many people who are close to me, there are some things about my life that i actually dont want the world to know about.

to sum it up, it was bleak. i havent left the house much in six weeks. i had medication that didnt agree at all with my brain, so it made for very poor socialization. i have since changed anti depressants which have got me out somewhat more than before, we still have a ways to go.

so i guess this is returning back to writing. i have a few hundred emails i havent even bothered to look at, and a bunch of music writing to catch up to (and figure out what's relevant). ive been staring at my laptop through bloodshot glassy eyes, completely unable to even put together a sentence. life grinded to a hault. it still feels like its moving pretty slow, but a few things are starting to move, and i was struck with a rare streak of inspiration, so i figured id break the ice. today is the first day of the rest of my life.

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